‘Che Bella Scoperta!’ is an editorial series that was created with the aim of narrating a territory in an organic, all-embracing and above all innovative manner.
A journey among things known, some less known, and some even unknown even to residents themselves: a choice that makes the information and narration of the territory suitable to be told also and above all to residents, as well as to tourists and all those who, for various reasons, come to visit and experience it.
A book entirely dedicated to Salento, one of last year’s favourite destinations.
From Salento, the project will extend to other territories, so much so that the next editions, published next year, will be dedicated to Puglia, Campania, Marche, Lombardy and… (follow us…)
A very large number of entries, which makes it possible to imagine an unprecedented but above all ‘deseasonalised’ tale of the territory, outside of exclusively tourist logics, but which allows all users to discover situations, events and places that find their full realisation and implementation even in periods other than summer, but equally characterising the territory.
‘Che Bella Scoperta!’ is an editorial series that was created with the aim of narrating a territory in an organic, all-embracing and above all innovative manner.
A journey among things known, some less known, and some even unknown even to residents themselves: a choice that makes the information and narration of the territory suitable to be told also and above all to residents, as well as to tourists and all those who, for various reasons, come to visit and experience it.
A book entirely dedicated to Salento, one of last year’s favourite destinations.
From Salento, the project will extend to other territories, so much so that the next editions, published next year, will be dedicated to Puglia, Campania, Marche, Lombardy and… (follow us…)
A very large number of entries, which makes it possible to imagine an unprecedented but above all ‘deseasonalised’ tale of the territory, outside of exclusively tourist logics, but which allows all users to discover situations, events and places that find their full realisation and implementation even in periods other than summer, but equally characterising the territory.